VSO Software blog

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Trivia time: win a ConvertXtoVideo key!

1 min read


You may (or may not) have noticed that we recently changed the name of our universal video converter: it used to be called VSO Video Converter and now it is ConvertXtoVideo*.

Yippee!! This calls for a trivia / giveaway!

Answer the question below and win a  ConvertXtoVideo license! ( I will draw 5 winners).

Which word is missing from this famous quote from Game of Thrones’ Ygritte :

 You know  —–  , Jon Snow!

Use the form below to participate and indicate the missing word  You have until Sunday 15th March midnight to participate! Super easy for GOT fans, the others can google it 🙂 Good Luck!!

The Trivia is now over! The right answer was of course:  You know NOTHING Jon Snow!  Convgratulations to Darren, Jeff, Keith, Jon and Fernão!

*ConvertXtoVideo will convert to and from any format, with great video edition, amazing video quality, super fast encoding and disk burning.
